Welcome to PAUL PELOSI COVER UP TV series!

posted by Daniel Gonzalez

PAUL PELOSI COVER UP TV series airs in 

San Francisco on channel 76:

Saturdays at 9 pm


Berkeley on channel 28 as follows:

Mondays at 1 am

Tuesdays at 10:00 pm 

Wednesdays at 11:30 pm

Fridays at 11:30 pm

YOUTUBE channel:


Watch the first episode of Paul Pelosi Cover Up TV below:


or follow this link to view:

Watch the short video below where David dePape's son Nebosvod Gonzalez shares his childhood memories of his father.

or follow this slink to view:


Dear Friends,

Welcome to Paul Pelosi Cover Up blog and TV series!

David dePape is being falsely accused of breaking into the house of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and attacking Paul with a hammer.

The purpose of this blog is to expose the corruption of our government and legal system (or should we more appropriately call it the "illegal system" because there is nothing legal about it) and to free David dePape who is being falsely imprisoned.

David dePape is being framed by Paul Pelosi and by our government. He is being accused of terrible crimes. But none of the so-called evidence against him adds up. He is facing life in prison for crimes that he did not commit.

This is really bad news for all of us. This means that anyone of us could be thrown in prison for life at any given moment if someone who perceives themselves to be more important than us and who happens to possess illegitimate political power, decides to cover up their own crimes and use us as a scapegoat.

Please join us in our fight for freedom, freedom from mass incarceration, freedom from criminal government, freedom from endless lies and propaganda, from indoctrination and mind control, freedom to think and feel our own thoughts and feelings and freedom to express ourselves without fear of persecution and prosecution.

Our team leader is Gypsy Taub who spent 3 years and 3 months in prison on false charges because she was trying to help an abused teen get to a youth shelter. She was fighting human trafficking.

We have a TV series dedicated to our mission to stop false imprisonment. This new TVseries is called PAUL PELOSI COVER UP. The air time is posted above.

Please write to us at paulpelosicoverup(at)gmail. Please help us expose the truth about Paul Pelosi incident. Please share your footage, news stories and other evidence with us to help us get justice for David dePape. Help us create a truly free world!

With love and solidarity,

Paul Pelosi Cover Up TV


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