Family photos of David dePape

 posted by Daniel Gonzalez

posted by Daniel Gonzalez

We give permission to media outlets, individual reporters and independent researchers to publish and repost our family photos.

Here are some family photos of David dePape that we found recently. David went to nearly every protest against the war in Iraq. 

David at one of the peace protests, with Gypsy Taub and their fist 2 children. David is holding a peace sign.

Another photo of David dePape at the protest against the war in Iraq. 

David dePape and his wife Gypsy Taub in their San Francisco apartment around year 2002 or 2003.

David dePape and his wife Gypsy Taub and Sky (Nebosvod) Gonzalez in their San Francisco apartment in 2003.

David dePape and Daniel photo

David dePape and Daniel photo

David dePape and Sky (Nebo) photo

David dePape and Sky (Nebo) photo

David dePape and Sky (Nebo) photo

David dePape and his baby son Nebo

David dePape and his baby son Sky (Nebosvod) Gonzalez photo

David dePape and his baby son Sky (Nebosvod) Gonzalez photo in San Francisco in 2003

David dePape and his baby son Sky (Nebosvod) Gonzalez photo in San Francisco in 2003

David dePape and his baby son Daniel in Berkeley in 2005 photo

David dePape and his baby son Daniel in 2005 in Berkeley photo

David dePape and his baby son Daniel in Berkeley in 2005 photo

Gypsy Taub, Sky (Nebosvod) Gonzalez, David dePape and Inti Gonzalez at a peace rally in San Francisco in 2003

David dePape with his son in Berkeley

David dePape and his daughter in Berkeley

David dePape and his children in Berkeley

David dePape, Gypsy Taub and their children Inti and Daniel in Berkeley

David dePape with his children in Oakland

David dePape with his children in San Francisco

David dePape with his children in San Francisco in 2003

David dePape with his children in Oakland

David dePape with his children in Oakland

David dePape with his son Daniel in Oakland

David dePape with his children in Oakland

David dePape with his family in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape with his family in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape with his family in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape with his family in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape with his family in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape with his daughter in Berkeley in 2005

David dePape

David dePape, Inti, Gypsy Taub and baby Sky (Nebo) at a peace rally in San Francisco in 2003

David dePape at anti-war protest in San Francisco with his children in 2003

David dePape with son Sky (Nebosvod) and Gypsy Taub

David dePape

David dePape with son Daniel Gonzalez


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